Sunday, March 19, 2006

Week 4 of the Kitchen Remodeling Project

Monday we had our dining room and kitchen floors sanded and refinished. We had two more coats of varnish applied on Tuesday and the result is pretty spectacular as you can see in the next two photos.

Of course, the inconvenience of being totally banned from all things in the kitchen was pretty drastic. We had the fridge and the old microwave in the sun room, but forgot to get out such basic things as cereal before we were unable to get to them. The fumes were pretty potent as well.

Friday evening the builder came by to bring in our new fridge. Unfortunately, it is hinged on the wrong side and not reversible. The vendor said they would swap it out next Monday, but in the meantime we couldn't use it. Still, it looks pretty and is a bit bigger than our old one.

It seemed a shame to hide that beautiful Southern beech floor with a rug, but that's part of the decor. By Saturday the floor had cured enough to start putting things back.

Saturday we put a fresh coat of paint on the sideboard, washed all the dishes that were covered with sanding and construction dust and put everything back in place.

We also painted the new back door and door trim. They call door trim architrave here.

Sunday was very busy. We put up all the new anaglypta paper on the walls and it was a bear. (It's a textured wall covering--damned hard to deal with! Every piece was a "cut and fit.") We're not looking forward to painting it. I've been trying to convince Karen that white looks nice. We also finished moving everything out of the sun room, put two coats of polish on the floor in there and moved all the furniture that goes in the sun room back from the garage. Things are shaping up, but still not done yet (note the wires hanging from the ceiling, the wrong fridge and the white walls.)

Karen has already gone to bed. We are both pooped! But her new knee is amazing! It's not the knee that gave out--it was everything else!!

1 comment:

Molly said...

:) Looks nice, guys. Is anyone else struck by the almost-identical-to-Wichita placement of the range and sink? The more things change...