Tuesday, June 06, 2006


That's it! Today I graduated with a BA in Honours Linguistics, Concentration English, summa cum laude and I even won the "faculty plaque" for the highest overall GPA in my program. : D I'm a bit shiny in this photo, but it was pretty warm in there. While he doesn't have the snazzy photo (as being in Tunisia prevented his attending convocation), Jean-Francois also graduates this week, with a BA in Economics, summa cum laude, faculty plaque for highest GPA in his program, AND the silver medal for the second highest GPA in the entire faculty of Social Sciences. We sure likes us our As, huh? The flowers are from my friend Melanie, whose boyfriend also graduated today (after something like 8 years off and on, working full-time and studying part-time. His parents threatened to shout "It's about time!!!" when his name was called.). I spent the day with them, went out to eat, and had a really nice time. Fear not, Mama, I was feted and cooed over enough to satisfy even your standards today. It's a pretty weird feeling, especially the fact that I'm basically never going to see again all the things and people I have become so used to. No time to be too sentimental, though - slap that plaque on the wall, 'cause there's a whole hell of a lot of new crap coming my way!
PS the only flaw in the day was being annouced on stage as "Maria Theresa"... seriously? WHY is it so hard for people to deal with "Mary"?? My name gets messed up ALL THE TIME. bizarre.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to make sure everyone understands that the only reason the word "second" is associated to my name is because "sociology", and I don't know why, is still considered a university-level degree. Come on, everyone knows sociology is a joke. I must've been eight the first time I made fun of a sociologist. The worst is it doesn't even have the "style" of medieval history or something, it's just plain sociology. So, because sociology is still a field that is officially recognized and because it is apparently part of social sciences, I finished second. But really, you can treat me as if I finished first. I am now getting ready for Economics to be made fun of. However, be ready for some economic schpultza (I made up this word, but in my mind it means hard to understand and nebulous words related to the field - that was too long to write hence schpultza) if you dare enter the realm of economics ridiculing (this word probably does not exist, but I'm French so I can do whatever I want with English).