Friday, March 16, 2007

Switching places

I started a new job in Dunedin, but the family stayed in Invercargill for a few weeks. That meant weekly bus trips for me, but I coped, as you can see.

The first trip was the hardest and everyone turned out to see me off. The bus driver even took our picture.

Bon voyage. Big bus for only 3 people!


Hello goodbye hello goodbye over and over


My sweet Invercargill girls

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's great to see & hear about the continuing adventures from the far side of the world. It's become my daily ritual to logon at work & check with great anticipation to see if any new entries have been made. It really makes my day when something new is posted.
By the way, I almost have all of the paint & loose fiberglass off of the boat hull. I can buy tractor paint for about a third of the cost of the auto paint we normally use but it's the exact same stuff. The Vagabond will be back in fighting trim by summer.